Damu The Fudgemunk 9 Minutes of H.I.S.S. - How It Should Sound
Damu The Fudgemunk 9 Minutes of H.I.S.S. - How It Should Sound
Since Overtime, to Y Society, to H.I.S.S volumes I've been listening to this dude create masterpiece after masterpiece since 2004. Now the half owner and creator of Redefinition Records, everything coming out of that label has been golden. However, it's not just about keeping the essence alive with him, as he truly understands music the same way musicians did in the 20th century.
Redefinition Records
"People always ask where the cash in my pocket, I tell 'em crates, eyo my collection is a problem, never fake with the breaks cuz I bought them" - Damu the Fudgemunk Soul Brother #3
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