76radio.com Is NOT us...
So recently, it was brought to our attention that our old domain, 76radio.com, was transferred to a new owner. This new owner is clearly a scammer; just have a look at their website. Their contact form doesn't even work properly, but I'm sure their payment gateway will. So as a heads up to all our listeners; do not sign up or pay for any services they offer, as we the real 76RadiO will never charge you or solicit you for any of our services. We strive on broadcasting you real independent musicians, who are highly underrated, through a 24/7 streaming radio platform which will always be FREE. We are NOT and will never offer third party affiliate's or other services, as we will ONLY provide you with the music we broadcast. Currently, we are working on an alternate solution, and will be removing our old domain tags. In the meantime the station will continue to be online 24/7. Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention, and we hope that clears things up...Now on with the music!